Thought jump rope was hard enough? You’d be surprised. For those looking to supercharge their activities, crisscrossing is a full-on, hard-pounding twist to traditional jump roping.
Jumping rope is a stimulating and impactful workout that's been a staple among beginner fitness enthusiasts and athletes for decades. To get the most out of this workout, you should consider how long you spend jumping rope. Should you be aiming for intense speed or increasing endurance? Does frequency matter?
Boxing is a sport rooted in precision, endurance, agility, and strength. Boxers often utilize a varied workout routine to condition their bodies for matches, with one of the most iconic being the art of jumping rope. It's a scene familiar to anyone who has watched a boxing movie – the rhythmic skipping and a focused look in the boxer's eyes as they prepare for a big fight.
If you’ve just started using a jump rope and mastered the fundamentals, check out your next progression with crossover variations. Whether you’re hoping to be the next Instagram sensation with new tricks and techniques or want to add variety to your workout, learning new variations could be the answer.
You will experience many benefits when you incorporate jump rope into your workout sessions beyond simple muscle growth and retention. As an exercise, jump rope is fitting for almost anyone in any stage of their fitness journey, as it's a great inclusion to strengthen muscles, improve your cardiovascular health, boost balance, stabilize joints, and even help with weight loss.